Navigatie - Western Antiques Arms and Books


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Livre 574 de 920



Auteur: Storz D.
N° référence: 1717
Editeur:  VER
Langue: E
ISBN:  3-90252605X
Prix TVA incl.: 95 Euro

Covers in great detail the history of M 98 rifles and carbines in Germany between 1898 and 1918. Hitherto unknown experimental rifles originating from the Prussian Rifle Inspection Commission allow the path to be reconstructed leading to the new weapon. Exotic models and special patterns such as rifles with telescopic sights, accessories, ammunition, bayonets and many other things belonging to the rifle are presented in detail. The book also illuminates the historical, military and technological background. Treats in detail technical modifications, manufacturing methods, the organization of mass production, state-run and private arms industry, production figures and the problems of arms supply during the First World War. A magnificent book!! H/C. 457p.
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