Navigatie - Western Antiques Arms and Books



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FELDZUG 1915 - VOL.2

Auteur: Baldwin M
Ref.nummer: 2318
Taal: E
Prijs BTW in: 53 Euro Tip Tip

Captures the uniforms, headdress and equipment of the German Soldier on the front line in 1915. Rare and elusive garments, pickelhaubes as well as weapons have been photographed in high resolution and display in close up, large format to aid the collector in increasing their knowledge and authenticating these historic artefacts. Includes informative text and wonderful period images to compliment the many previously unseen items. The highlight of the book may well be the detailed look at the experimental armoured face masks of the Gaede Helmet and the Shutzshild (Elephant Face). Excellent! H/C. 166p.
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